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On Rana Plaza Anniversary, Cascale Members Recommit to Worker Safety

On April 24, 2013, the apparel and textile industry stood still. News of the Rana Plaza factory collapse rippled through apparel supply chains and the devastation – 1,134 workers killed and several thousand injured – led to the reimagination of garment workers’ rights.

April 24, 2024

Rick Ridgeway: How We Got Here

In a guest blog post, Rick Ridgeway, shares the origins of Cascale.

We founded Cascale with the goal of scaling collective action throughout the consumer goods industry, and now we’re one step closer to realizing this vision.

Rick Ridgeway
March 01, 2024

Why the CSDDD is a Major Step Forward

A Stand for Social, Environmental Due Diligence

“Incentives are the driving force behind transformative change, and the CSDDD exemplifies this commitment. By mandating assessments of environmental and human rights impacts, the CSDDD plays a pivotal role by motivating proactive engagement beyond compliance, promoting transparency, fostering innovation, enhancing competitiveness, and supporting collective efforts toward global sustainability goals.” –Elisabeth Reitzenstein, Senior Director, Policy and Public Affairs

Black and white headshot of Kaley Roshitsh
Kaley Roshitsh
December 22, 2023

All the Sustainable Fashion Acronyms to Know

Many executives argue the myriad of acronyms in sustainable fashion complicates the overarching mission. This guide hopes to explain common jargon and abbreviations.

Black and white headshot of Kaley Roshitsh
Kaley Roshitsh
November 03, 2023

From Concept to Collaboration: Navigating the Road to Higg FEM 4.0

Collaboration is the catalyst for change. As we eagerly await the Higg FEM 4.0 launch on November 2, it’s important for us to share the journey of how – and why – we arrived here. We’re proud to have walked this path hand in hand with our members, partner organizations, and stakeholders to build a tool that reflects the collective spirit of making meaningful, measurable impact on the industry’s most urgent issues.

Black and white headshot of Jeremy Lardeau
Jeremy Lardeau
November 01, 2023
  • Annual Meeting

United in Vision: Reflections on the SAC 2023 Annual Meeting

In the aftermath of the invigorating New York Climate Week, our entire organization came together to ensure the success of our Annual Meeting. The magnitude and depth of this event was not merely a reflection of our organizational prowess but a testament to the expansive vision SAC embodies.

Black and white headshot of Lee Green
Lee Green
October 12, 2023